Resources Archive


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Cardiac CT Angiography in Current Practice: An American Society for Preventative Cardiology Clinical Practice Statement

This clinical practice statement represents a summary of the current evidence and clinical applications of cardiac computed tomography (CT) in evaluation…

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ESC CVD Prevention Guidelines 2021: Improvements, Controversies, and Opportunities

The third iteration of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) cardiovascular disease (CVD) prevention guidelines was recently released at the…

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Cardiovascular computed tomography imaging for coronary artery disease risk: plaque, flow and fat

CCTA has emerged as the preferred non-invasive modality for the study of chest pain due to possible underlying CAD, and…

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Assessing Cardiovascular Risk by Using the Fat Attenuation Index in Coronary CT Angiography

Coronary CT angiography (CCTA) has evolved into a first-line diagnostic test for the investigation of chest pain. Despite advances toward…

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The Year in Cardiovascular Medicine 2020: Digital Health and Innovation

Advances in digital health and particularly in artificial intelligence (AI) have led us very close to the true implementation of…

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Current Evidence and Recommendations for Coronary CTA First in Evaluation of Stable Coronary Artery Disease

In the United States, functional imaging is the most commonly used method to diagnose potentially obstructive coronary artery disease (CAD) in patients…

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Artificial Intelligence in Medical Imaging: A Radiomic Guide to Precision Phenotyping of Cardiovascular Disease

Rapid technological advances in non-invasive imaging, coupled with the availability of large data sets and the expansion of computational models…

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Detecting Coronary Inflammation with Perivascular Fat Attenuation Imaging: Making Sense from Perivascular Attenuation Maps

Inflammation has long been implicated in human atherogenesis, which has been confirmed by recent clinical trials. Although simple therapeutic interventions…